Command line reference

This section contains the exhaustive list of the sub-commands and options available for JASS on the command line.

usage: jass [-h]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: serve, list-phenotypes, create-project-data, clean-project-data, create-inittable, create-worktable, plot-manhattan, qq-plot, plot-quadrant, add-gene-annotation, extract-tsv, predict-gain



run JASS web server

jass serve [-h]


list phenotypes available in a data file

jass list-phenotypes [-h] [--init-table-path INIT_TABLE_PATH]

Named Arguments


path to the initial data file, default is the configured path (JASS_DATA_DIR/initTable.hdf5)

Default: "/builds/statistical-genetics/jass/data/initTable.hdf5"


compute joint statistics and generate plots for a given set of phenotypes

jass create-project-data [-h] [--init-table-path INIT_TABLE_PATH] --phenotypes
                         PHENOTYPES [PHENOTYPES ...] --worktable-path
                         WORKTABLE_PATH [--remove-nans]
                         [--manhattan-plot-path MANHATTAN_PLOT_PATH]
                         [--quadrant-plot-path QUADRANT_PLOT_PATH]
                         [--zoom-plot-path ZOOM_PLOT_PATH]
                         [--qq-plot-path QQ_PLOT_PATH]
                         [--significance-treshold SIGNIFICANCE_TRESHOLD]
                         [--post-filtering POST_FILTERING]
                         [--custom-loadings CUSTOM_LOADINGS]
                         [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE]
                         [--csv-file-path CSV_FILE_PATH]
                         [--chromosome-number CHROMOSOME_NUMBER]
                         [--start-position START_POSITION]
                         [--end-position END_POSITION]
                         [--omnibus | --sumz | --fisher_test | --meta_analysis | --strategy STRATEGY]

Named Arguments


path to the initial data file, default is the configured path (JASS_DATA_DIR/initTable.hdf5)

Default: "/builds/statistical-genetics/jass/data/initTable.hdf5"


list of selected phenotypes


path to the worktable file to generate


Default: False


path to the genome-wide manhattan plot to generate


path to the quadrant plot to generate


path to the local plot to generate


path to the quantile-quantile plot to generate


The treshold at which a p-value is considered significant

Default: 5e-08


If a filtering to remove outlier will be applied (in this case the result of SNPs considered aberant will not appear in the worktable)

Default: True


path toward a csv file containing custom loading for sumZ tests


Number of region to load in memory at once

Default: 50


path to the results file in csv format


option used only for local analysis: chromosome number studied


option used only for local analysis: start position of the region studied


option used only for local analysis: end position of the region studied


Default: True


Default: False


Default: False


Default: False



Remove old projects data that haven't been accessed recently

jass clean-project-data [-h]
                        [--max-days-without-access MAX_DAYS_WITHOUT_ACCESS]

Named Arguments


A project is marked for large file deletion if the number of days elapsed since the last access is greater than the amount provided.

Default: 30


import data into an initial data file

jass create-inittable [-h] --input-data-path INPUT_DATA_PATH
                      [--init-covariance-path INIT_COVARIANCE_PATH]
                      --regions-map-path REGIONS_MAP_PATH
                      --description-file-path DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH
                      [--init-table-path INIT_TABLE_PATH]
                      [--init-genetic-covariance-path INIT_GENETIC_COVARIANCE_PATH]
                      [--init-table-metadata-path INIT_TABLE_METADATA_PATH]

Named Arguments


path to the GWAS data file (ImpG format) to import. the path must be specify between quotes


path to the covariance file to import


path to the genome regions map (BED format) to import


path to the GWAS studies metadata file


path to the initial data file to produce, default is the configured path (JASS_DATA_DIR/initTable.hdf5)

Default: "/builds/statistical-genetics/jass/data/initTable.hdf5"


path to the genetic covariance file to import. Used only for display on Jass web application


path to metadata file to attache to the initial data file


compute joint statistics for a given set of phenotypes

jass create-worktable [-h] [--init-table-path INIT_TABLE_PATH] --phenotypes
                      PHENOTYPES [PHENOTYPES ...] --worktable-path
                      [--significance-treshold SIGNIFICANCE_TRESHOLD]
                      [--post-filtering POST_FILTERING]
                      [--custom-loadings CUSTOM_LOADINGS]
                      [--csv-file-path CSV_FILE_PATH]
                      [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--remove-nans]
                      [--chromosome-number CHROMOSOME_NUMBER]
                      [--start-position START_POSITION]
                      [--end-position END_POSITION]
                      [--omnibus | --sumz | --fisher_test | --meta_analysis | --strategy STRATEGY]

Named Arguments


path to the initial data table, default is the configured path (JASS_DATA_DIR/initTable.hdf5)

Default: "/builds/statistical-genetics/jass/data/initTable.hdf5"


list of selected phenotypes


path to the worktable file to generate


threshold at which a p-value is considered significant

Default: 5e-08


If a filtering to remove outlier will be applied (in this case the result of SNPs considered aberant will not appear in the worktable)

Default: True


path toward a csv file containing custom loading for sumZ tests


path to the results file in csv format


Number of region to load in memory at once

Default: 50


Default: False


option used only for local analysis: chromosome number studied


option used only for local analysis: start position of the region studied


option used only for local analysis: end position of the region studied


Default: True


Default: False


Default: False


Default: False



generate genome-wide manhattan plot for a given set of phenotypes

jass plot-manhattan [-h] --worktable-path WORKTABLE_PATH --plot-path PLOT_PATH

Named Arguments


path to the worktable file containing the data


path to the manhattan plot file to generate


generate genome-wide qqplot of p value. Warning : require a lot of memory

jass qq-plot [-h] --worktable-path WORKTABLE_PATH --plot-path PLOT_PATH

Named Arguments


path to the worktable file containing the data


path to the manhattan plot file to generate


generate a quadrant plot for a given set of phenotypes

jass plot-quadrant [-h] --worktable-path WORKTABLE_PATH --plot-path PLOT_PATH
                   [--significance-treshold SIGNIFICANCE_TRESHOLD]

Named Arguments


path to the worktable file containing the data


path to the quadrant plot file to generate


threshold at which a p-value is considered significant

Default: 5e-08


add information about genes ansd exons to the inittable

jass add-gene-annotation [-h] --gene-data-path GENE_DATA_PATH
                         --init-table-path INIT_TABLE_PATH
                         [--gene-csv-path GENE_CSV_PATH]
                         [--exon-csv-path EXON_CSV_PATH]

Named Arguments


path to the GFF file containing gene and exon data


path to the initial table file to update


path to the file df_gene.csv


path to the file df_exon.csv


Extract a table from a hdf5 repository to the tsv format. Will work for the worktables and the inittable. WARNING: can strongly increase storage space needed

jass extract-tsv [-h] --hdf5-table-path HDF5_TABLE_PATH --tsv-path TSV_PATH
                 [--table-key TABLE_KEY]

Named Arguments


path to the worktable file containing the data


path to the tsv table


Existing key are 'SumStatTab' : The results of the joint analysis by SNPs - 'PhenoList' : the meta data of analysed GWAS - 'COV' : The H0 covariance used to perform joint analysis - 'GENCOV' (If present in the initTable): The genetic covariance as computed by the LDscore. Uniquely for the worktable: 'Regions' : Results of the joint analysis summarised by LD regions (Notably Lead SNPs by regions) - 'summaryTable': a double entry table summarizing the number of significant regions by test (univariate vs joint test)


Predict gain based on the genetic architecture of the set of multi-trait. To function, this command need the inittable to contain genetic covariance store under the key 'GEN_COV in the inittable'

jass predict-gain [-h] --inittable-path INITTABLE_PATH --combination-path
                  COMBINATION_PATH --gain-path GAIN_PATH

Named Arguments


Path to the inittable


Path to the file storing combination to be scored


path to save predicted gain


usage: scripts/hdf5_add_attributes [-h] --init-table-path HDF5_FILE
                                   [--init-table-metadata-path INIT_TABLE_METADATA_PATH | --clean-metadata]
                                   [--title TITLE] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                   [--ancestry ANCESTRY] [--assembly ASSEMBLY]

Named Arguments


path to the inittable to edit


path to metadata file to attache to the inittable. Note that all previous metadata are purged.


Remove all information in metadata before adding new one

Default: False


title to append to the metadata


description to append to the metadata


ancestry to append to the metadata


assembly to append to the metadata