
You can use JASS locally either using the command line interface in a terminal, or by running a web server. Deployment in a public server is also later discussed in this document.

You need python3 to install and use JASS. As of April 2022, JASS runs on python from 3.6 to 3.10.

Installation with conda

A procedure for the correct installation of JASS in Anaconda environment for development purpose is developed in detail below.

1. Create a specific directory and load the code on your laptop (only the first time)

For example, the directory $HOME/DEVELOP_JASS has been created. In a TERMINAL window, type the following instructions:

git clone

2. Change directory to the JASS main directory


3. Create a specific virtual ANACONDA environment for JASS:


You have to check that you are in the base environment of Anaconda before creating the new virtual environment: (for example, Dev_Jass_Pyt36 with python 3.6)

conda create --name Dev_Jass_Pyt36 python=3.6

4. Activation of the new environment

conda activate Dev_Jass_Pyt36

5. Installing JASS dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Installing JASS for development purpose

pip install -e .

7. Installation verification

pip freeze

Installing it this way will automatically import and setup all of the dependencies required to run JASS.

This is pretty much all you need to do to use JASS on the command line, or to run a local personal web server. To deploy JASS on a public web server, please refer to the "Public server deployment" section.

Additional software installation on Linux

Some python packages require additional non-python software that you might need to install, e.g. on Ubuntu, with:

sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev #(required by matplotlib)
sudo apt install libhdf5-dev #(required by tables)
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server #(required by celery)

Additional software installation on Windows


For Windows, an easy option is to install the free software package manager called chocolatey.

In order to have a correct installation of RabbitMQ on windows, we recommend to install chocolatey by running the following command as Administrator in a powershell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Then, you can install RabbitMQ with the "choco install" command:

Choco install rabbitmq

Run JASS as a web application (optional)

To run locally JASS as a web application, it is recommended to use docker compose as it handles all dependencies in one command. If using docker compose is not an option, you need to launch two servers in two different processes, the celery task management server and the web server. The web server handles the HTTP requests, and sends all computation requests to the task management server.

launching the two servers on Linux

The command lines below show how to launch the two servers. Please note that you should of course not use this for any use beyond tests and personnal use, we provide further instructions below to deploy JASS on shared/public servers.

# launch celery to process tasks
celery -A jass worker
# launch the web server
jass serve

By default, the Jass server will listen to requests on the port 8080 of your machine. You can control the host and port that the JASS standalone webserver listens to through two environment variables, JASS_HOST and JASS_PORT, that you just have to set before to launch the web server.

Launching the celery server on Windows

In order to launch the celery server on windows, it is necessary to use the following command in a terminal:

celery -A jass worker --pool=solo


The command recommended for Linux crashes when it is used on windows due to incorrect recognition of the prefork option on windows by the billiard library. The part “--pool=solo” is necessary on windows because this is the only option of celery that works on windows.

Launching the web server on Windows

The web server is launched in another terminal (the same as on Linux):

jass serve

Public server deployment (optional)

Helm charts are available in the chart folder of the source repository. These charts automate the installation and update of the application in a kubernetes cluster.

In this specific deployment, the JASS web application is hosted by an NGINX server, served by the uvicorn library. It communicates with a celery container that handles the user-launched tasks. Many other deployment options are of course possible, use whichever suits your infrastructure!