Web admin

Updating data

You can update data using kubectl, to do so see this "How To".

An alternative using fex.pasteur.fr is also proposed, with no binary to install locally.

Upload to fex

Go to https://fex.pasteur.fr/fup, click on "fex yourself" and choose the file you want to send. In our example it is initTableTest.hdf5


Go to gitlab pipelines

Go to https://gitlab.pasteur.fr/statistical-genetics/jass/-/pipelines

Click on the last grey/green circle on the right (indicated 1 in the following image). Then on the task upload-from-fex-to-dev (indicated 2) if you want to send the file in dev. A job is also proposed related to master pipelines.


Trigger while providing the URL

Provide in an variable name FEX_URL the url. In our example FEX_URL=https://dl.pasteur.fr/fop/6atgurR3/initTableTest.hdf5


After some time the job is completed, you see with the ls that the file is now there.

After the job is completed, in the right part you see "Job artifact", when browsing them you have the file you have added, and the previous one that was replaced. Artefact are keep 1 month as of March 2024.


Deleting data

You can also simply delete hdf5 file (and only them).

Go to https://gitlab.pasteur.fr/statistical-genetics/jass/-/pipelines

Click on the last grey/green circle on the right (indicated 1 in the following image). Then on the task delete-data-from-dev (indicated 2).


Trigger while providing the filename

Provide in an variable name HDF5_FILENAME the hdf5 filename (no relative path allowed). In our example HDF5_FILENAME=initTableTest.hdf5


Also in the right part you see "Job artifact", when browsing them you have the file you just removed. Artefact are keep 1 month as of March 2024.
